
The Effectiveness of Physiotherapy in Treating Rotator Cuff Issues and Pelvic Health Problems

The Effectiveness of Physiotherapy in Treating Rotator Cuff Issues and Pelvic Health Problems

Physiotherapy has been found to be a highly effective treatment for shoulder pain related to rotator cuff issues and sub-acromial impingement syndrome. Not only does it significantly reduce the need for surgery, but it also carries no risk of adverse events.

Comparing Physiotherapy and Surgery

Physiotherapy is a recommended first-line treatment for urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Evidence supports its effectiveness, with a reported cure rate of 64%, which is comparable to surgical care. Moreover, physiotherapy is more cost-effective compared to surgery. Guided rehabilitation by a continence-trained physiotherapist leads to better long-term results.

Assessment and Treatment

Physiotherapy assessment and treatment involve detailed subjective and objective assessments, real-time ultrasound imaging, and the appropriate prescription of exercises and lifestyle modifications. It can address a range of women’s, men’s, and pelvic health issues.


Physiotherapy is a highly effective and cost-effective treatment for rotator cuff issues, urinary incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse. It offers a comparable cure rate to surgery without the associated risks and costs. Therefore, it is recommended as a first-line treatment for these conditions.

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